Monday, December 24, 2012

Recycled Magazine Wall Decoration

This project is a wall decoration made out of old magazines (ignore the clutter on my table beneath it). I was gonna call this a "wallflower" but I think it looks more like a sun...either's a great way to use up some of those old useless magazines that everyone has lying around their house! Also, like most of the projects I do, it's fairly simple to make! 
Kelly, a friend in my design class made something a lot like this, only hers was much cooler with styrofoam and mirrors as the center! (So credit goes to her for this one)

Supplies Needed:
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Old Magazines (that you don't mind cutting up)
  • Modge Podge
Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures while making this, so I will do my best at describing it (and just to warn you...I'm really bad at describing things!)

To make the rays:

Tear a page out of your magazine and cut it in half down the middle of the page. Depending on how long you want the rays, you can cut it lengthwise or widthwise. Then roll the sections into tubes, taping them to keep them from unrolling.

To make the center:

Tear pages out of your magazine and fold them so you have long rectangles around 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide. Coil these up into a circle. Then when one you get to the end of a magazine, tape another one on and keep rolling!

Once you have your circle as thick as you want to make it, hot glue the end, and cover the whole thing with modge podge to seal it.

To attach the rays to the circles I just used a little hot glue.

And there you have it! I know, I know, the explanation was a little confusing, but it's really not that hard to make, so experiment and have fun with this one, chances are you've got plenty of magazines to spare! ;)

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